Posts tagged authenticity
The Ladder of Wellbeing: Four Steps to THRIVE

The field of wellbeing has significantly expanded the study of the spectrum of human experience. Instead of having only two polarizing options—wellbeing and illness—there are intermediate states where neither true wellbeing nor illness are present.

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Individual vs. Organizational Engagement

We know that the ability to achieve a flow state regularly in one’s profession is a key indicator of a physician’s ability to engage in their work. It follows that achieving a flow state consistently should be (so often it’s not!) a priority of organizational management and leadership.

Yet, engagement is more than just flow.

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Lack of Training: When's the Time?

It feels strange, because a physician is arguably one of the “most-trained” positions in the modern world. Physicians spend longer in higher education that any other profession. Yet the career transition from physician to physician leader involves minimal and inadequate preparation in the best of situations.

Why aren’t our physician leaders as well prepared for their role as physicians are? And what can we do to change this for the future?

One of the reasons physician leaders aren’t properly trained is they aren’t given time.

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Lack of Communication: A Two-Way Street

The lack of time built into a daily work schedule for quality communication points us to another uncomfortable truth, which is that occasionally (not always everyone, calm down!) physicians can be difficult to talk to. I’ve often heard cited from coaching clients as a reason leaders feel uncomfortable engaging with the physicians on their team. Now, let’s be clear: Leaders, your discomfort speaking to physicians is not a valid reason to let communication fall to the wayside. It’s an excuse and you know the old saying about excuses, right?

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Role vs. Authenticity

A surface-level search of the interwebs will show you at first glance that there’s a lot of positivity behind the word “authentic”. But a deep dive reveals a more nuanced look at the word and how it’s come to be perceived in our society today. Generally, people want others to be “authentic” by staying “true to themselves” or “speaking their mind”, but in the workplace? This isn’t always the best strategy to boost your career, build long-lasting relationships, or successfully lead your team.

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